
A very refined friend once gave us the idea of creating a corner, cabinet or display shelf that not only sells hair accessories but all kinds of small gift items to offer for different occasions.
Hence, a client running to lunch or going for has a special visit, can pick up a gift on her way out. This would save her time, knowing that she can find an appropriate present relying on Nour buyer’s sense of refined taste.

Since then Naiiman's cabinets have been full of beautiful and practical giveaways for every occasion…
Some items are handmade in Lebanon, by wonderful designers like Raeda, Y.knot, Sauce, bySignel. Others are outsourced from international companies, mainly from the UK.

Throughout the years, we are proud to have collaborated with designers like Bombay Duck, Bluebird, Catseys, Cotton & Grey, Eggnogg, Verity Jones, Clippykit, ZPM, Raggy-Tag, Cherry Chau, Inchblue, Popband, Jellycat, Parkside, Rock & Ruddle, The English Soap Company, The Wheatbag Company, and many, many more.

Whether you want to offer someone a reasonable thoughtful gift for a home, baby, mother, teacher, brother or even yourself, your selected item are here! Within our premises! Click on some of the pictures and get an idea.